The Vintage Saws Museum

Here you'll find a number of saws that are in my personal collection. I'll add them as I have time and inspiration. Some are common, others are quite rare. They all have one thing in common--there was something about them that I couldn't resist when I bought them. I can remember buying some, others it seems like I've had forever. Most are made by Disston, but there are a few other mixed in. I hope that you will enjoy looking at them!

Disston No. 8 half back saw from circa 1865

Disston No. 7 from circa 1895

Disston D20 Lightweight from circa 1911

Disston D23 Lightweight from circa 1915

Disston No. 99 from circa 1865

Disston No. 99 from circa 1888

Massive rip saw by the British firm Webster and Johnsong, circa 1820