Books on Saws

Here's where you'll find just about all that is print about saws and saw related tools. We have two main categories of works for sale.

First is a section which offers vintage works from my personal collection. These books are long out of print and in the public domain. Some were published 150 years ago! Reading these early works is amazing and highly recommended. We will add new titles as we get time to scan them. All vintage books are sold as a high quality 400 dpi scan in pdf format and is delivered same day via web download with no cost for shipping. Purchase entitles the user the ability to own and read it for life.

We've changed the way we manage the security on our Ebooks. Ebooks are now sent via secure pdf and are viewable on both Windows and Macintosh platforms. Ebooks can also be printed with opaque watermark present. We are trying to balance our need to prevent piracy while at the same time giving our customers the maximum amount of freedom.

The second group are modern books which are currently in print. Frankly, there isn't much written on the subject. Since the community is so small, I know all of these men personally, and encourage you to support their work. It is only through patronage of the people who write these books that other, future works will be possible.

Three works are currently available. The first is by Erv Schaffer entitled Hand-Saw Makers of North America, the second a companion work by Erv Shaffer and Don McConnell entitled Hand-Saw Makers of Britain and last but not least a work by Todd Friberg called Patented American Saw Sets.

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